The Funniest, Stupidest things said by Celebs...
4:29 AMThe Funniest, Stupidest things said by Celebs...

"Our club captain Gary Neville's been out for a year now, but Giggsy has taken up the mantelpiece."

"I'm 28 now and they say you peak at 28 - so my best years are still ahead of me."

"Isn't Halle Berry the most beautiful woman? I have a film I'd like to be in her with - I mean I'd like to be with her in."

"When you find your soulmate, you could sleep under their armpits."

"What do you wear on a running machine? I can't bring myself to wear flat shoes."

"I like my mug shot. I think I have a really great mug shot. It looks like a magazine shoot."

"What gorgeous staff I have. I can't understand those who have ugly people working for them."

"One accusation you can't throw at me is that I've always done my best."

'Oh, Christina, you look like a whore!' I explained that's the idea."

"You can't understand it until you experience the simple joy of the first time your son points at a seagull and says 'Duck!'"

"I remember so clearly us going into hospital so Victoria could have Brooklyn. I was eating a Lion Bar at the time."

"If you chopped off my head, I'd still carry on talking, because the head stays alive for a bit. I've seen that in films."

"If more families were like us the world would be a better place."