HouSe MaDe of BeeR Cans...

11:07 PM

A Can-Do House: A New Twist to Aluminum Siding

Got a few thousand soda and beer cans you've been waiting to recycle? Architect Richard Van Os Keuls, a resident of Silver Spring, Maryland, might be an inspiration.

Van Os Keuls lives in a 1953 brick tract house, to which he built a 230 sq. foot addition on to the back in 2000. The nearly-finished plywood and insulation board structure was covered with building paper, waiting to be sided or otherwise finished. He found bricks too expensive, and didn't want the usual siding alternatives. After some thought and consideration, Van Os Keuls decided to try a new medium no architect and none of his clients had used before -- flattened aluminum soda and beer cans.

Source : eco-artware

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