ThE SmaLLest GirL FroM India... 12:52 AM Adolescent from India, whom with an increase only in 58 cm, the smallest girl in the world. Jyoti Amge,14 years, and it shorter than average two-year-old child weighs only 5 kg. Share This Story Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post Tags: adolescent, girl hercules, india, jyoti amge, smallest Newer Post Older Post dorion55 You Might Also Like The Strongest Girl In The WorldCompetition Ads...Indian man and Snakes...ScHooL BuS in InDiaN...Meet ThE sMaLLest BoDyBuilder...Fro...The Smallest Helicopter in the Worl...The Strongest Girl In The WorldCompetition Ads...Indian man and Snakes...ScHooL BuS in InDiaN...Meet ThE sMaLLest BoDyBuilder...Fro...The Smallest Helicopter in the Worl... 0 comments